[Kooio-public] neue Ausstellung im kooio: WITNESSING

kooio news at kooio.net
Fr Okt 8 11:58:51 CEST 2021

neue Ausstellung im kooio, Innsbruck, Mariahilfstrasse 40

WITNESSING photo/sculpture exhibition
Tamara Maksymenko

The cultural events of 2020 went through serious challenges in the form of
dance expression. Nowadays, we are constantly looking for the
transformation of art from the real world - to the world of pixels...

A group of Tirolean dancers is thrilled to present its work in the frame
of digital project WITNESSING led by Tamara Maksymenko.

Offline exhibition will be held from
October 11th to October 24th, 2021 in KOOIO Gallery.

Official opening and presentation of the work is scheduled on October,
14th, 2021, 18:00
Entrance is free

motion.mode.theatre at gmail.com

The project is supported by Innsbruck Stadt, Land Tirol, Christian Leiss,
Bernhard Teißl-Mederer, Thomas Plattner, Nadine Müller.


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