[Kooio-public] Sofia Rodriguez Fernández im kooio

kooio koi02 at catbull.com
Mi Jul 26 17:03:43 UTC 2023

Die Materie träumt - El sueno de la materia
Sofia Rodriguez Fernández

Ausstellung: 28. Juli bis 11. August 2023
Vernissage: Freitag 28.Juli, 18 Uhr
Finissage: Freitag 11. August, 18 Uhr

galerie kooio, Mariahilfstrasse 40, Innsbruck

Die Materie träumt
In this art exhibition I’m continuing my artistic exploration of the
stimulus that is the shape, of the sensations and emotions that it causes
inside of us and the relation it has with a foundational feeling present
in our bodies. Each piece presented here was made alongside the poetry
book Materia del Origen (Substance of Origin), which was published this
year. In my work poetry and visuals always go hand in hand. Image and poem
are weaved together turning into an inseparable amalgamate. In watercolor
paintings, water (which we are made of, as well of dreams) directs the
streak. I like invoking water so that it can show its wisdom, its
knowledge, its memory. To converse with the shape that water produces as
it interacts with color, searching for knowledge that will bring us back
to the origin. The images in this exhibition are looking to inspire the
encounter between origin and form.   Die Materie träumt, of that which
hasn’t been created, of that which wants to find its way here from the
other side of the veil. How can we find the emptiness, the space, the form
that can by itself be a condensed emotion, body, substance? How does it
fill up and from what end does it get emptied? Where does it start or end?
Towards which direction does it go or from where does it come from? On the
mystery of that knowledge that art delivers is where we continue to
Sofía del Carmen Rodríguez Fernández
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